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A Beginner's Guide on How to Start Meditating

sites • March 3, 2022

Meditation has numerous mental and physical benefits. Start your journey with this beginner's guide on how to start meditating.

Did you know that nearly 500 million people around the world meditate? Meditating is a set of methods and techniques to promote calmness, increase relaxation, and develop mindfulness. For those looking for ways to relieve stress, meditation is a great option. 

It can be intimidating to figure out how to start meditating, especially if you're new to the practice. Do you follow a guided meditation or try to do it on your own?

Our meditation for beginners guide will discuss our top meditation tips and the benefits of the practice for your mental health. 

What Is Meditation?

Meditation is focused on training your awareness around your mind and body, giving yourself a healthy perspective on life. It's not about becoming a new, better, or even a different person. 

Mediation isn't about turning off your feelings or thoughts either. Meditating teaches you how to observe your feelings without judgment. As a result, you can better understand them. 

During meditation practice, you discovered mindfulness. That's the ability to rest, be present, and be fully engaged with whatever you're doing at the moment.

Learning to meditate is like adopting any other new skill. Think about it like you're exercising a muscle that you haven't really worked out before. You need to practice consistently to develop that muscle. 

Another aspect of meditation is breathing. During your practice, you'll pay attention to how your breath goes in and out of your body. By being mindful and focusing on your breathing, you can anchor yourselves to the present. 

Why Learn How to Meditate?

Meditating can give you some needed space in your life, helping you make better choices for yourself and your family. You don't need a lot of tools to meditate, either. All you need is kindness for yourself, a bit of patience, and a comfy place to sit. 

Perhaps you want to learn how to meditate to be more focused and less stressed. Meditation might also be part of a larger personal development plan for yourself. Whatever your reason is, training your mind provides you with countless benefits to positively change your life. 

Benefits of Meditation 

Meditation is an inexpensive and simple practice that you can do anywhere. The benefits you experience from the practice stay with you throughout your day and life. 

Emotional Well-Being Benefits

As you meditate, you might clear away the overload that's built up in your head. Some of the benefits of mediation for mental health include:

  • Building new skills that help with stress management
  • Gaining perspective on stressful circumstances 
  • Improved sleeping habits
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Reduced negative emotions
  • Increased creativity and imagination 
  • Increased tolerance and patience

Illness Benefits

If you have a medical condition that is worsened by stress, you might explore meditation for physical health. Meditation might help you manage some of the symptoms associated with the following conditions:

  • Asthma
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain
  • Sleep problems
  • Depression
  • Tension headaches

It's always good to speak to your healthcare provider about using mediation to help you with any medical condition. Meditation makes a great addition to a treatment plan but isn't a substitution for medicine. 

How to Meditate

Meditation is both harder and easier than most people realize. Follow our easy steps below to get started on your meditation journey:

  • Sit Down: Sit in a place that feels calm and quiet 
  • Set a Timer: Set a timer for around five or 10 minutes if you're a beginner
  • Sit Comfortably: Whether you kneel, sit cross-legged, or in a chair, make sure you're in a stable position 
  • Draw Awareness to Your Breath: Pay attention to the sensation of your breath going in and out
  • Pay Attention When Your Mind Wanders: Bring your focus back to your breath when this happens
  • Have Patience and Be Kind: Don't obsess on your thoughts or judge yourself
  • Finish Your Practice With Kindness: When your practice is over, gently open your eyes or lift your gaze

As you close your practice, notice the sounds in your environment. Pay attention to how your body feels. Take note of your emotions and thoughts. 

If you're not ready to try meditating independently, you can find many mediations online. Head over to YouTube to find some beginner videos.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're new to meditation, you likely have some additional questions. Below are the most frequently asked questions about meditation. 

How Often Should I Meditate?

Committing to regular practice is important to establishing any new routine. Try to meditate at least two to three times a week if you can. 

Be clear with yourself about how much time you'll carve out for each session. It takes perseverance and discipline to make habits stick. 

Many people pair their mediation sessions with a habit they already have in place, like brushing their teeth at night, to ensure they remember to do it. Pick a time that best suits your schedule. 

What Should I Wear?

Wear whatever you feel relaxed and comfortable in. If you're wearing a scarf, belt, or tie, you might want to loosen it before you get started. Take off any tight fitting heels or shoes. 

How Should I Sit?

Most people associate meditation with someone sitting cross-legged on a cushy pillow. However, you can meditate outside or inside, sitting or laying on whatever surface you'd like. 

People just starting out with meditating sometimes find it easier to sit in a chair as they great used to the practice. You can sit on the edge of the chair to help you maintain the correct posture. Keep your hands sitting loosely on your knees or lap. 

Learn How to Start Meditating 

Don't wait to get started if you've been wondering how to start meditating. Meditation is a wonderful practice that takes some time to develop. Be kind and patient with yourself as you navigate through mindfulness. 

Check out our blog for more tips and tricks on how to improve your life. 

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