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Essential Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

sites • May 17, 2022

Is living a healthy lifestyle all about exercising and eating well? Here are the crucial steps to a healthy lifestyle to improve your well-being.

Over the last two years, health has been at the forefront of people's minds. But the health aspect we've been focusing on is avoiding COVID-19 infection. This has led to a radical shift in our lifestyle, sometimes to the detriment of the health we're trying to preserve. 

Taking steps to a healthy lifestyle looks a little different now than it did two years ago. Many of us are working from home and might have reduced our physical and social activities. 

Now, more than ever, it's time for a change. A healthy diet and exercise are wonderful first steps to a healthier lifestyle. But let's take a look at some other ways you can incorporate small changes that will have a big impact on your well-being. 

Prioritize Your Mental Health 

Did you know that people with mental health disorders are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke? The healthcare community in the United States is finally emphasizing the critical need for mental health care in our lives. 

Even if you don't feel depressed or anxious working with a licensed therapist on a regular basis is one of the most important aspects of self-care.

Your therapy sessions are a safe place. You'll feel free to discuss topics you might not bring up with your partner or your friends. And your therapist can help you see those issues from a new perspective. 

And since telehealth has become more widespread it's easier than ever to fit therapy sessions into your busy routine. 

Change Up Your Exercise Routine 

Exercise is one of the best steps to having a healthy lifestyle. Exercise boosts the feel-good chemicals in our brains and keeps our bodies in tip-top shape. 

But many people find their exercise routines dull and monotonous. These feelings make you less enthusiastic about working out. They can even cause you to stop exercising altogether. 

Why not try an activity that might not seem like exercise? 

Horseback riding is a full-body workout. When you're in the saddle all your muscles are working to keep you there. Plus, when you start horseback riding lessons you'll be able to spend time outside and enjoy creating a partnership with a beautiful animal.

Equine therapy is also proven to engage the minds of people with autism. Horses soothe the souls of those with PTSD as well.

Horseback riding can boost your own sense of well-being while being a killer workout at the same time. 

Practice Community Care 

We're always told to practice self-care, but what about caring for the people around us? Community care takes the focus away from self and shifts it toward how we can help others in our community. 

Community care could look like volunteering to help the vulnerable in your neighborhood. But, more often, it looks like taking care of the people closest to you. 

Check in with a struggling friend. Instead of asking if you can help, just do it. Bring over a meal or some staples from the grocery store. 

Defend what's right in your community. Give your time and your skills to your neighbors who need it most. 

And the best part of community care is that it lets you know that you're strong and you're capable of doing things to make life better for others. 

Learn A New Skill 

We're never too old to learn. In fact, learning something new as an adult can actually protect our brains from premature aging. 

Do you have fond memories of your high school French classes? Learn a new language online or register for a class at your local community college. You might be surprised how much French you've retained. 

Or try something you've never done before. Can't find the working end of a hammer? Sign up for a woodworking class! You'll probably come away with a slightly wonky birdhouse but your brain will have mastered angles, measurements, hand-eye coordination and so much more. 

When we learn new skills our brains focus on the task at hand, which leaves less time to focus on our worries. 

Accept the Things You Can Not Change 

One trap that many people fall into is the notion that they can fix all the problems. It's often drilled into us since childhood. But when we take on problems that don't belong to us it leads to stress and frustration. 

When a problem arises ask yourself a few questions. Is this my problem? Do I have the tools to fix it? If I can't fix it, do I know someone who can? 

Refusing to take on a problem does not mean that you don't care. It simply means that you are not the person who can solve it. Instead, offer advice if you have it or empathize if you don't. 

Choosing your battles is one of the best steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

Limit Your Alcohol Intake 

Self-care tips for women almost always include alcohol. Bubble baths and glasses of wine always top these lists. 

The Mayo Clinic states that seven drinks a week constitutes heavy alcohol use for women. That's just five ounces of wine per day. 

Alcohol in moderation is fine. A glass of red wine a few times a week can even reduce your risk of stroke. But a healthy diet and exercise provide better results. 

We think we're having a few drinks to relax but alcohol can actually make anxiety worse, especially the day after. Also, even small amounts of alcohol can affect the quality of our sleep in a negative way. 

Limit the libations to special occasions and know your limits. And always be sure to have a glass of water after every cocktail.

Make Mindfulness a Priority

Yoga and meditation are the activities most associated with mindfulness. But there are other ways to practice mindfulness, you just need to find the ones that work for you. 

One of the intended results of mindfulness is experiencing a moment. Any moment. Use your senses to channel your focus into the present. 

Step outside and find a quiet place. Close your eyes and take inventory of what you're experiencing. Do you hear birdsong? Can you feel a breeze on your skin? Is the smell of roses carried on that breeze? 

Don't think about what you're experiencing. Try to feel it without using your eyes. This helps bring your awareness away from big problems and helps you focus on what you're experiencing right now.

Plan Something Big

Having something to look forward to increases our positivity. That's why we're often told to set goals. They give us a tangible reward to work toward. 

But some people view a goal as a deadline. This can create added pressure that makes us want to give up before we've started. 

Instead, plan something extravagant. Something you've always wanted to do. Maybe this looks like dropping everything and traveling for a few months. Or maybe it's reading the entire works of Shakespeare. It could even be walking five miles in less than an hour. 

The point is that a goal has an expiration date. A plan is a work in progress, no matter how slow or fast that progress is. 

Don't Be a Stranger to Your Healthcare Provider

For many people, especially busy women, a visit to the doctor takes a backseat to other things on your to-do list. Moms might even be more familiar with their child's pediatrician than they are with their own doctor. 

Your doctor's office isn't just there when you're sick or need a medication refill. You should see your doctor at least once a year for a physical. This is also a good time to schedule testing like mammograms and colon cancer screenings. 

It's also a good time to introduce your mental health provider to your physical health provider. Our physical health impacts our mental health and vice versa. 

HIPAA privacy rules dictate how much of your information is shared amongst your healthcare providers. But these providers are part of a team that works for you. And your healthcare teams can't do their best work without pertinent information. 

Communication is a vital part of being in control of your healthcare. You're the one who dictates what portions of your medical records are shared. This means you're not only receiving better care but you're also identifying yourself as part of the team. 

When you make your voice heard you get better replies. 

Implement These Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle Today

Taking steps to a healthy lifestyle is not a sprint, it's a marathon. And small steps to a healthier lifestyle add up to big results. Just be sure to keep your expectations reasonable and don't take on too much too soon. 

Are you ready to get started? Browse other articles on our site to learn more ways you can start feeling better, in both mind and in spirit.

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